Friday, August 17, 2007

I think these are lots of fun...thought someone else might enjoy them!

Can you fill in the missing word/words in these Advertising Slogans?

1. You're in good hands with _______ .
2. Are you a _________ Fruit and Nut case?
3. ______, take me away.
4. I'd walk a mile for a _____.
5. Please don't squeeze the _______.
6. _________, a little dab'll do ya.
7. ___ is the place for the helpful hardware
8. _______________ makes hamburgers taste like
9. Aren't you glad you use ____? (_____ ___
____ _________ ___?)
10. ___________, the San Francisco treat.
11. Bring out the _________ and bring out the
12. Fly the friendly skies of ______.
13. Oh I wish I was an _____ _____ ______.
14. In the valley of the Jolly,"Ho, ho, ho" _____ _____.
15. Double your pleasure,Double your funwith __________ ___.
16. I'd like to buy the world a ____.
17. Like a good neighbor, _____ ____ is there.
18. Nobody doesn't like ____ ___.
19. Snap! Crackle! Pop! ____ ________.
20. See the your _________ .
21. The best part of waking up is ________ in
your cup.

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