Tuesday, February 5, 2008


It is too, too true that time passes more quickly as we grow older. That certainly seems to be the case to me!!! I figure that once February 16 has come and gone, I should be ready and organized enough for 2008 to begin.

This past weekend was Youth Weekend at church. The youth are totally in charge of all 3 services. It was delightful, as always. I took digi pictures...but I was conservative...I only took 2,000 pics. Tossed 700 the first time through them. I'll probably end up with 300 or so good ones. I just love digital cameras!!! You can take all the pictures you want!!!

We had a brief shower this morning. I just love rain. I love the sound it makes on a metal roof, and I LOVE the smell when everything is fresh and clean. Hmmmmm...perhaps I should figure out a way to get it to rain inside to get my house clean?!?!?!?!?

Oh yeah...we had an interesting visitor in our driveway on Saturday.

It has no idea how lucky it is that I interrupted it's "dig" before it made it into the back yard with the two Golden Retrievers.

We're having crock pot chicken and baked apples for supper. Come on down!!!

Tuesday huggies and lovies!

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